ufo logs


ufo logs


Prints out logs


ufo logs

ufo logs # follow by default
ufo logs --no-follow
ufo logs --format detailed # to show stream too

Filter HealthChecker

ufo logs --filter-pattern '- "HealthChecker"'


    [--follow], [--no-follow]          #  Whether to continuously poll for new logs. To exit from this mode, use Control-C.
                                       # Default: true
    [--since=SINCE]                    # From what time to begin displaying logs.  By default, logs will be displayed starting from 1 minutes in the past. The value provided can be an ISO 8601 timestamp or a relative time.
    [--format=FORMAT]                  # The format to display the logs. IE: detailed or short.  With detailed, the log stream name is also shown.
                                       # Default: short
    [--filter-pattern=FILTER_PATTERN]  # The filter pattern to use. If not provided, all the events are matched
c, [--container=CONTAINER]             # Container name to show logs for. Only needed when ECS task multiple containers