Next Steps

You’ve seen how to get started with UFO. From here, learn more:

  • Intro: General introduction.
  • Layering: Use the same Task Definition code to build multiple environments like dev and prod.
  • CLI Customizations: UFO is built on many smart and convenient conventions. At the same time it is very customizable.
  • Extra Env: Create additional envs with little effort.

UFO Features

  • Automation: Builds the Docker image and deployments the ECS Service in one step.
  • CLI Customizations: You can customize a plethora of settings for the tool.
  • Exec: Use ufo exec to hop into a running container to debug.
  • Logs: Use ufo logs to tail and follow the logs.
  • DRY: Use the same Task Definition code with ERB templating to keep things DRY. You can write the Task Definition in either YAML or JSON format.
  • Layering: Use the same ECS Task Definition code to build multiple environments like dev and prod with Layering.
  • Helpers: Use Built-In Helpers like dockerfile_port, docker_image, family to build the Task Definitions dynamically. You can also add your own Custom Helpers if needed.
  • IAM: You can define and fully control the IAM permissions used for the EC2 instance and Docker container.
  • Generators: UFO ships with a generators to help you get started with ECS quickly.
  • Hooks: You can also run boot hooks early into the process and set things like AWS_PROFILE.