ufo docker push


ufo docker push IMAGE


Push the docker image.

The ufo docker push command pushes the most recent Docker image built by ufo docker build to a registry. This command pushes a docker image up to the registry. By default it pushes the last image that was built with ufo docker build. To see what the image name is you can run ufo docker name. Example:

ufo docker build # to build the image
ufo docker name  # to see the image name
ufo docker push  # push up the registry

You’ll see that ufo docker push simply shells out and calls docker push:

$ ufo docker push
=> docker push 123456789.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/hi:ufo-2018-02-13T10-51-44-e0cc7be
The push refers to a repository [123456789.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/hi]
399c739c257d: Layer already exists
Pushed 123456789.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/hi:ufo-2018-02-13T10-51-44-e0cc7be docker image. Took 1s.

You can also push up a custom image by specifying the image name as the first parameter.

ufo docker push my/image:tag

You could also use the --push flag as part of the ufo docker build command to achieve the same thing as ufo docker push. The ufo docker push command might be more intutitive.

ufo docker build --push # same as above

Docker Authorization

Note in order to push the image to a registry you will need to login into the registry. If you are using DockerHub use the docker login command. If you are using AWS ECR then, ufo will automatically try to authorize you and configure your ~/.docker/config.json. If can also use aws ecr get-login command.


[--push], [--no-push]