Minimal Deploy IAM Policy
The IAM user you use to run the ufo ship
command needs a minimal set of IAM policies to deploy to ECS.
Note: This is different than the Task Definition IAM Roles.
Minimal IAM Permissions
Here is a table of the baseline services needed:
Service | Description |
ApplicationAutoScaling | To create ECS Service AutoScaling policy and scalable target. |
CloudFormation | To create the CloudFormation stack that creates most of the AWS resources that UFO creates, like ECS service and the ELB. |
EC2 | To describe subnets associated with VPC. Used to configure subnets to use for ECS tasks and ELBs. |
ECR | To pull and push to the ECR registry. If you’re using DockerHub, this permission is not required. |
ECS | To create ECS service, task definitions, etc. |
ElasticloadBalancing | To create the ELB and related load balancing resources like Listeners and Target Groups. |
ElasticloadBalancingV2 | To create the ELB and related load balancing resources like Listeners and Target Groups. |
IAM | To create ECS Task Role and Execution Role. See: ECS IAM Roles. |
Logs | To write to CloudWatch Logs. |
Route53 | To create vanity DNS endpoint when using Route53 setting. |
It is recommended that you create an IAM group and associate it with the IAM users that need access to use ufo ship
. Here are starter instructions and a policy that you can tailor for your needs:
Commands Summary
Here’s a summary of the commands:
aws iam create-group --group-name Ufo
cat << 'EOF' > /tmp/ufo-policy.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"iam:PassedToService": [
aws iam put-group-policy --group-name Ufo --policy-name UFOPolicy --policy-document file:///tmp/ufo-policy.json
Then create a user and add the user to IAM group. Here’s an example:
aws iam create-user --user-name tung
aws iam add-user-to-group --user-name tung --group-name Ufo
ECS Task IAM Policy vs User Deploy IAM Policy
This page refers to your user IAM policy used when running ufo ship
. These are different from the IAM Policies associated with ECS Task. For those IAM policies refer to IAM Roles for Tasks