VPC Settings

You can configure network settings with config.vpc. Example:


Ufo.configure do |config|
  config.vpc.id = "vpc-111"
  config.vpc.subnets.ecs = ["subnet-111", "subnet-222"] # at least 2 required
  config.vpc.subnets.elb = ["subnet-111", "subnet-222"] # at least 2 required

  # Optional existing security group ids to add in addition to the ones created by ufo.
  config.vpc.security_groups.ecs = ["sg-111"]
  config.vpc.security_groups.elb = ["sg-111"]

Stack Output Helper

If you have built a VPC with CloudFormation and it has outputs with the network information, you can use the stack_output helper method to grab the information. Example:


Ufo.configure do |config|
  config.vpc.id = stack_output("vpc-:ENV.Vpc")
  config.vpc.subnets.ecs = stack_output("vpc-:ENV.PrivateSubnets").split(',')
  config.vpc.subnets.elb = stack_output("vpc-:ENV.PublicSubnets").split(',')


The table below covers each setting. Each option is configured in .ufo/config.rb with config.OPTION. The config. portion is not shown for conciseness. IE: logger.level vs config.logger.level.

Name Default Description
vpc.id nil Used to create ecs and elb security groups in the CloudFormation template.
vpc.subnets.ecs nil The subnets the ECS Container Instances are on. So this is where you want your containers to run.
vpc.subnets.elb nil Subnets used by the ELB load balancer. Defaults to same subnets as ECS subnets when not set.
vpc.security_groups.ecs nil Additional security groups to associate with the ECS tasks.
vpc.security_groups.elb nil Additional security groups to associate with the ELB.

See Full Config Reference